Sunday, October 24, 2010

ThinkGeek Gives Ten Little Zombies: A Love Story a Great Review!

Ten little zombies
Walking in a line
One stepped in a campfire
Now there are nine.

And so it begins. Ten Little Zombies is at its heart, a love story about two people trying to survive in this mixed up, wired up world of ours. Just kidding. It is a love story, but it's just about some folks running from zombies. One by one, the zombies get destroyed, and one by one the pages turn faster and faster as you speed towards the end. Ten Little Zombies is an emotional rollercoaster of a tale - one you'll want to ride again and again. Why? Because you'll remember laughing so hard.

The publisher compares Ten Little Zombies to Bunny Suicides, Edward Gorey, and Hallmark all having one mutant, little, love baby. That's pretty accurate. It's great to read silently to yourself, but even more hilarious to read aloud to children, undead children, guests, undead guests, etc., undead etc. Ten Little Zombies proves that love might not conquer all, but it still is our most powerful weapon against the oncoming zombie apocalypse. Because them zombies don't like hearts - they just like braaaaaains.

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